This is me.
The adventurer, the explorer, the mountaineer, the filmmaker and photographer, and the artist.
Born in Munich, Germany, I now live in the beautiful valley of Chamonix in France. This special place right next to Mont Blanc does not stop to motivate and inspire me, having a great influence on me and my work. Living in the middle of Europes roughest mountains gives me the opportunity to pursue my passion of mountaineering every single day, and I think this is what keeps me creative.
Having successfully finished my professional filmmaking formation in 2015, I am working as a freelance cinematographer and photographer since.
While I've been enjoying the warmth and comfort of an editing suite for many years, working in environments like the one you can see on the right are by far my favorite ones. Putting myself in extreme places somehow enables a hidden switch, which allows my creativity to run free.
My latest big-time adventure led me to the beautiful island Spitsbergen, which is located in the Svalbard archipelago halfway between Norway and the North Pole. Our mission (we were seven people) was to cross Spitsbergen by length – south to north. 40 days in the arctic, covering a distance of almost 700 kilometers on skis. The result is a 93-minute documentary movie, created by me, following us on our mission and showcasing the immense beauty of the arctic in all its facets.
The movie is yet to be released, but you can WATCH THE TRAILER HERE!
You want to find out more?
If you still don't have enough of me and want to get to know me better, see my projects or even work together with me, head over to my personal website through the button below (don't forget to come back though and get some of my Fine Art Prints!).